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Previous Day JULY 7, 2001 Next Day
Rained all night and most of the day. We slept in a ger which has a hole in the roof for the stove pipe. We dismantled the stove pipe and pulled a cover over the roof hole, but strong wind kept blowing off our cover. Rain dripped on us all night. During the day when the rain stopped we fished along the Chuluut river, catching Rainbow trout by using the ubiquitous grasshoppers as bait (I didn't have my lure anymore because yesterday's pike ate it). It's a fisherman's dream out here, proven by the fact that inept fisherman like us can catch bucketfuls of fish. Tonight we will sleep in a sealed tent.
Jill the fish master.
This is the 'toilet blanket' that provides the only way to modestly relieve oneself on the open grasslands, just remember to avoid curious yaks.